
here are list of my papers..

— 2023 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., 2023. Kajian Numerik Kesalahan Hasil Pengukuran Geolistrik 2D Terhadap Target Model 3D: Studi Kasus Pengukuran di Dekat Gedung Berpondasi Beton. Positron, Berkala Ilmiah MIPA, Vol 13, No 2, 2023.  DOI: (here)

— 2022 —

  1. Perdana, R., Al Anshar, N., dan Hartantyo, E, 2022. A Study on the Acquisition Technique of SH Waves Refraction Seismic. Presenting in IAGI 2022. (here)
  2. Haikal, A.F., Alfianto, A.D., Dwijatmiko, B., dan Hartantyo, E., 2022. New Attribute Energy Weighted AVO (EAVO) Application on The Acacia Bagus Structure, Jatibarang Field, North West Java Basin. IPA Conference 2022. (here)
  3. Khayati, N.N., Sudarmaji, S., Hartantyo, E., 2022. The Effect of Weathered Layer Thickness and Slope on Potential Areas of Landslides in Gerbosari Village, Samigaluh District, Kulonprogo Regency, Indonesia. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 7 (3), 124-131, 2022. (DOI: (here)

— 2021 —

  1. Widyadarsana, S.N. dan Hartantyo, E, 2021. Lithological Modelling Based on Shear Wave Velocity Using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Inversion of Ellipticity Curve Method to Mitigate Landslide Hazards at the Main Road of Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. Presenting in ICST, Yogyakarta. 7-9 September 2021. E3S Web Conf. Volume 325. DOI (see here)
  2. Rusnianti, N. dan Hartantyo, E., 2021. Penentuan Area Potensi Tanah Longsor Berdasarkan Analisis Mikrotremor Di Dusun Jeruk Dan Sekitarnya Kecamatan Samigaluh Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Jurnal Positron, vol 11 No 2, hal 77-85. DOI: (see here)

— 2020 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., Khayati, N.N., Nur, R., Novita, S.W., 2020. Kajian Nilai Percepatan Puncak di Daerah Kulon Progo Utara, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Berbasis Peta Gempa Nasional 2017 dan Pengukuran Mikrotremor. POSITRON, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), Hal. 148‒154 (see here)
  2. W. Suryanto, Supriyanto, E. Hartantyo, T. Juhana, Budiarjo, A. S. Handaru and J. Satriani, 2020. IMU (inertial measurement unit) device for internet of things based disaster early warning system: applications and innovation. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 451 (2020) 012015, The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region.  IOP Publishing.  doi:10.1088/1755-1315/451/1/012015 (see here).
  3. Hartantyo, E., 2020. Vertical Electrical Sounding Analysis for Local Subsurface Water Bearing Identification Due to Isolated Hill. Case-study: Madurejo Village, Prambanan District, Yogyakarta Province,
    Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics (April 2020) Vol.10 No.1 p 50-55. (see here)

— 2019 —

  1. L.R. Daryono, M.S.D. Wijayaningsih, A. Hendratno, M. Nukman, E. Hartantyo, S. Kawasaki, 2019. Geological spatial plan toward groundwater resources in Kertek, Wonosobo Basin, Central Java, Indonesia. JOURNAL OF DEGRADED AND MINING LANDS MANAGEMENT ISSN: 2339-076X (p); 2502-2458 (e), Volume 6, Number 2 (January 2019): 1595-1608. DOI:10.15243/jdmlm.2019.062.1595 (see here)
  2. Alfiansyah, D., and Hartantyo, E., 2019. Kajian Inversi Tomografi Seismik Refraksi Menggunakan Kode PROFIT. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, vol 3, No 2, 2019. page 16-23. (see here)
  3. Nwai Le NgalSubagyo PramumijoyoIman SatyarnoKirbani Sri BrotopuspitoJunji Kiyono and Eddy Hartantyo, 2019. Multi-channel surface wave method for geotechnical site characterization in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018). E3S Web Conf. Volume 76, 2019. DOI:10.1051/e3sconf/2019760300 (link here) or (pdf here)

— 2018 —

  1. Pawirodikromo, W., Makrup, L., Teguh., M., Suryo, B., and Hartantyo, E., 2018. Comparison of 10% and 2/3 of 2% PE for 50 years Seismic Hazard at Yogyakarta Special Province (YSP), Indonesia constructed from the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. Internat. Journ. of Civil Eng and Technology, 9(9), pp. 1593-1610. (pdf here).
  2. Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, Wahyudi Wahyudi, Eddy Hartantyo, Adien Akhmad Mufaqih, Ade Anggraini, and Wiwit Suryanto, 2018. SEISGAMA: A Free C# Based Seismic Data Processing Software Platform. International Journal of Geophysics, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 2913591, 8 pages (doi here)
  3. K.N. Aziz, E. Hartantyo, and S.W. Niasari, 2018. The Study of Fault Lineament Pattern of the Lamongan Volcanic Field Using Gravity Data, The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  4. N.A. Ferani, E. Hartantyo, and S.W. Niasari, 2018. Spatial Analysis of Gravity Data in the California, Nevada, and Utah (US). The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  5. A. Hanatan, E. Hartantyo, and S.W. Niasari, 2018. Spatial Gravity Analysis of the Cascadia Subduction Zone using Satellite Data. The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  6. Y.K. Lubis, S.W. Niasari and E. Hartantyo, 2018. MT2D Inversion to Image the Gorda Plate Subduction Zone. The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  7. F.B. Gultom, S.W. Niasari and E. Hartantyo, 2018. Resistivity Image from 2D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone (United States). The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  8. Muchamad Reza Aditya, Arriqo’ Fauqi Romadlon, Reymon Agra Medika, Yosua Alfontius, Zukhruf Delva Jannet and E. Hartantyo, 2018. Zonation of Landslide-Prone Using Microseismic Method and Slope Analysis in Margoyoso, Magelang. The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 6–8 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 1011, 2018. (pdf here)
  9. Daryono, L.R., Hendratno, A., Nukman, M., and Hartantyo, E., 2018. Landslide identification based on geology and geoelectricity mapping analysis, EAGE-HAGI Asia PAcific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201800371. (see here)

— 2017 —

  1. Simanjuntak, A.G., Muslim, B. dan Hartantyo, E., 2017. Identifikasi Prekursor Beberapa Gempa di Sumatera Melalui Analisis Total Electron Content (TEC) di Ionosfer Menggunakan Teknik Korelasi. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah XXXI HFI DIY & Jateng, p85-94, BATAN, 18 Maret 2017. (see link here)

— 2016 —

  1. Niasari, S.W., and Hartantyo, E., 2016. Can We Use E-Learning to Increase Cognitive Process on Physic Equation Understanding? A Preliminary Result. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational, Management, Administration and Leadership, UPI Bdg, doi:10.2991/icemal-16.2016.74 (see here)
  2. Hartantyo, E., 2016. Vertical Electrical Sounding Analysis for Subsurface Water Bearing Identification Due to Isolated Hill, presented in International Conference on Science and Technology, EastParc Hotel, Yogyakarta, 27-28 October 2016. Submitted to Symposia Physics and its Aplications to published on PPAS: A, regular issue, as part of the 1th installment (no. Manuscript: UASC-2)

— 2015 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., 2015. A Test of Mobile Weight-Drop for Surface Wave Seismic Data Acquisition. GG08, presented in International Conference on Science and Technology, EastParc Hotel, Yogyakarta, 11-12 November 2015., (see here for download)
  2. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2014. Predicting the liquefaction phenomena from shear velocity profiling: Empirical approach to 6.3 Mw, May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake. AIP Conf. Proc. 1658, 030017 (2015); (see here for download)

— 2014 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2014. Notes on Rayleigh wave dispersion created by F-K transform due to incomplete frequencies of input data. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN Print 0973-4562, ISSN Online 1087-1090. pp19781-19788, vol 9, no 23, RIP pubilcation, Scopus indexed. (pdf 355kb) see link here
  2. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2014. Correlation of groundwater levels with the liquefaction occurence cause by May 2006 earthquake in the south volcanic clastic sediments Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Applied Sciences, vol 5, issue 1, ISSN 2180-1258, p1-8. open access (see here 3.25Mb). See link here
  3. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2014. The Reliability of Low Cost Data Logger for Active Seismic (Surface-Wave) Data Measurements. Intrenational Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurements and Metrology – ISIMM 2014, 26-27 Agts 2014. Submitted to Journal of Applied Mechanics and Material (ISSN: 1662-7482). publishing (pdf 896 Kb) see link here
  4. E. Hartantyo, K. Sri Brotouspito, Sismanto, Waluyo, 2015. “The Reliability of Low Cost Data Logger for Active Seismic (Surface-Wave) Data Measurements”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 771, pp. 84-87, 2015. DOI : 10.4028/ /AMM.771.84, see link here
  5. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2014. Comparison of 8 and 24 channels MASW data: Field performance. International Conference of Physicsc (ICP 2014). Advances of Physics Research Journal, Atlantis Premium Proceeding. doi:10.2991/icp-14.2014.19 (pdf 743 Kb)
  6. Sismanto, Hussein, S., Hartantyo, E., 2014. Subsurface River Flow Study in Oksibil of Pegunungan Bintang District by Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic Method. International Conference of Physicsc (ICP 2014). Advances of Physics Research Journal, Atlantis Premium Proceeding. (pdf 1832 Kb)

— 2013 —

  1. Winata, E. dan Hartantyo, E., 2013. Kualtias Air Tanah di Sepanjang Kali Gajah Wong Ditinjau dari Pola Sebaran Escherichia Coli (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Umbulharjo), Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, v17, no 50, p8-11. (link here)
  2. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2013. Predicting the liquefaction phenomena from shear velocity profiling: empirical approach to 6.3Mw, May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake. International Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Management, Hotel temtrem Yogyakarta, 17-18 December 2013. Submitted to Procedia of Earth and Planetary Sciences, elservier -rejected – moved to AIP publishing-. (pdf 430Kb)
  3. Hartantyo, E., Sri Brotopuspito, K., Sismanto, Waluyo, 2013. Korelasi muka air tanah dangkal dengan kejadian liquefaction gempa Yogya Mei 2006 di sedimen volkanik-klastik bagian selatan, area Yogyakarta, Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah HFI XXVIII Jateng-DIY, UNS, Solo, 23 Maret 2013, ISSN : 0853-0823. (pdf 435Kb).

— 2012 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., dan Sri Brotopuspito, K., 2011. Estimasi nilai PGA, PGV dan PGD Area Jogjakarta: Studi kasus Gempa Jogja 2006. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (PJSIG) 2012, Kampus Univ Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 21 Januari 2012, hal 276-285. (pdf 1,24Mb)

— 2011 —

  1. Nurdianto, B., Hartantyo, E., Ngadmanto, D., Sunardi, B., dan Susilanto, P., 2011. Penentuan Tingkat Kekerasan Batuan Menggunakan Metode Seismik Refraksi. Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Volume 12, No 3, Desember 2011, p211-220. (pdf)
  2. Hartantyo, E., dan Sri Brotopuspito, K., 2011. Estimasi nilai PGA, PGV dan PGD Area Jogjakarta: Studi kasus Gempa Jogja 2006. disampaikan dalam Seminar Hasil-hasil penelitian MIPA, Dies MIPA, UGM, 2011. (pdf)
  3. Hartantyo, E., dan Sismanto, 2011. Verifikasi hasil pengukuran independen tak langsung Vp dan Vs dengan persamaan empirik, disampaikan dalam Seminar Nasional Kebumian FTM, UPN, Yogyakarta, 8-9 Desember 2011 (pdf 1.2Mb)

— 2010 —

  1. Hartantyo, E, 2010. Vs30 acquisition at Bantul area correspond to earthquake hazard, Seminar Nasional MIPA, FMIPA, UGM, 2010.
  2. Hartantyo, E. and Brotopuspito, K.S., 2010, Analysis on MASW near and far offsets at high Vs velocity limestone, submitted to International Conferences of HAGI-SEG Joint Convention, Bali, 2010.
  3. Hartantyo, E. and Suryanto, W., 2010, Analisis kestabilan tapak tower SUTET di daerah Karst dari data sayatan Vs MASW, submitted to Seminar Himpunan Fisika Indonesia (HFI), Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, April 2010

— 2009 —

  1. Hartantyo, E. dan Suparwoto, 2009. Penentuan Kedalaman Penutup Lapisan Nikel di Kecamatan Pomala, Sulawesi Tenggara dengan Seismik Refraksi, Presented at The 34th HAGI Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Jogjakarta 9-12 November 2009, Sheraton Mustika Hotel. (pdf 670Kb)
  2. Hartantyo, E. dan Hussein, S., 2009. Pemetaan Kecepatan Gelombang Shear (Vs) di Selatan Rowo Jombor berkaitan dengan Potensi Kerusakan Akibat Gempa, Presented at International Conference on Geology of the Southern Mountains of Java, Phoenix Hotel, Jogjakarta, August 2009, ISBN : 978-979-17549-4-1 (pdf 1.4Mb).
  3. Suryanto, W. and Hartantyo, E., 2009. Skrip GNU Octave sederhana untuk menghitung respon Magnetotellurik dengan algoritma rekursive, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerapan MIPA, FMIPA, UNY, 16 Mei 2009, ISBN : 978-979-96880-5-7.
  4. Sismanto, Hartantyo, E. and Nukman, M. Distribution of Water Resources Potential in Jambusari Area, District Cilacap, Central Java using Geoelectrical Method, 2009, Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Lingkungan, vol.1, No.1, p16-24, Januari 2009, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan – Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, UII Yogyakarta.
  5. Hartantyo, E., Waluyo, and Suryanto, W., 2009. Efek Keberadaan Jebakan Minyak Bumi ’Trapped Fault’ Pada Rekaman Seismik dengan Penyelesaian Beda Hingga Model Bumi Elastik, presented in SEMIPA – Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerapan MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 16 Mei 2009. (pdf 1.37Mb)
  6. Hartantyo, E., 2009. Pemodelan Beda Hingga Gelombang Teleseismik 2D pada topografi Gunung Merapi, accepted in Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 2009 (in review).
  7. Hartantyo, E., 2009. Joint Analysis of Shallow Subsurface Seismic Properties beneath Extra High Voltage PLN Towers, oral presentation at ISSTEC 2009, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 25 January 2009. (pdf 1.3Mb)
  8. Sismanto, Hartantyo, E., Adry S. Sembiring, M.Nukman, Arih B. Utomo, 2009. Distribution of Sulphide Veins in Sangon, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta using Very Low Frequency (VLF), Oral presentation at ISSTEC 2009, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 25 January 2009.

— 2008 —

  1. Hartantyo, E. dan Suparwoto, 2008. Penentuan Kedalaman Penutup Lapisan Nikel di Kecamatan Pomala, Sulawesi Tenggara dengan Seismik Refraksi, Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, No 37, vol XII, edisi Desember 2008. ISSN : 1410-2994. (pdf )
  2. Hartantyo, E., Afif, R., and Wiwit, S., 2008. Active Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) Survey for SUTET tower base soil compaction imaging, orally presented in International Conference on Math and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2008, ITB Bandung. (pdf 1.96Mb)
  3. Sismanto and Hartantyo, E., 2008. Distribution of Water Resources Potential in Jambusari Area, District Cilacap, Central Java using Geoelectrical Method, orally presented at ICMNS 2008 Seminar, ITB Bandung.

— 2007 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., 2007, Arbitrarily dip seismic plane wave source generation on 2D staggered grid scheme: a new method, presented in The 4th Kentingan Physics Forum, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo pada tanggal 28 Juli 2007 (pdf)
  2. Hartantyo, E., 2007, Verification of plane wave implementation by using Poisson solid finite medium, presented to Jogja International Physics Conferences, 6-8 September 2007. (pdf)
  3. Hartantyo, E. and Sismanto, 2007, Subsurface soil identification of Candi Sewu complex by means Refraction Seismology, Jogja International Physics Conference, 6-8 September 2007. (pdf)
  4. Sismanto, Hartantyo E., and Waluyo A., 2007, Resistivity and Refraction Seismic Mapping in Prambanan Temple Area, Jogja International Physics Conference, 6-8 September 2007. (pdf)
  5. Sismanto and Hartantyo, E., 2007, Resistivity and Refraction Seismic Mapping in Sewu Temple Area, presented in JCB2007, Joint Convention IAGI, HAGI, IATMI, Bali, October 2007
  6. Sismanto and Hartantyo, E., 2007, Pemetaan Sungai Purba di Komplek Candi Prambanan dengan menggunakan Metode Very Low Frequency (VLF), dimuat di Kumpulan Kemajuan Terkini Penelitian, Klaster Sains-Teknologi 2007 UGM, ISBN: 978-979-15614-5-7.

— 2006 —

  1. Sismanto dan Eddy Hartantyo, 2006, Studi Geofisika Pada Situs Candi Kedulan. Proceeding 31st Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) HAGI, November 13-15, 2006, Semarang. (ISBN:979-98933-2-1)

—- 2005 —

  1. Hartantyo. E. dan Sismanto, 2005, Pendugaan Keberadaan Air pada Tubuh Candi Ciwa Prambanan dengan Geolistrik Dipol-Dipol, Seminar Nasional XXIII HFI Jateng dan DIY, di UST, Yogyakarta (pdf)
  2. Sismanto dan Eddy Hartantyo, 2005, Distribution of Leachate Polution in the Final Disposal of Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta by Using the Electromagnetic Method. PROCEEDINGS JOINT CONVENTION SURABAYA, 2005 – HAGI – IAGI -PERHAPI, The 31th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition. November 28-30, 2005, Surabaya.

— 2004 —

  1. Sismanto, dan Hartantyo. E., 2004, Metode interpretasi kuantitatif anomaly potensial diri akibat tubuh batuan yang menyerupai lempeng dua dimensi, Berkala Ilmiah MIPA, vol. 14, Januari 2004, hal 63-76.
  2. Sismanto, Hartantyo. E. dan Sudarmaji, 2004, Electromagnetic Field Measurement on The Base of Ciwa Temple, Prambanan by VLF Method, Seminar on The First Jogja Regional Physics Conference,di UGM, Yogyakarta

— 2003 —

  1. Hartantyo, E. dan Sismanto, 2003. Interpretasi Tomografi Probabilitas pada Data Pseudo Tahanan Jenis dua Dimensi, Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, No. 20, v VII, 8-20.
  2. Sismanto, Hartantyo. E., Sudarmaji, Nukman, M., Suryanto, W., 2003, Tanggapan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Frekuensi Rendah (VLF) dari Sungai Bawah Tanah: Sebuah Uji Coba Metode VLF di Sekitar Gua Bribin, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, No. 20, v VII, 31-42.

— 2002 —

  1. Hartantyo, E. dan Waluyo, 2002. Simulasi Pendugaan Kedalaman Jalur Konduktif Bawah Permukaan dengan Probabilitas tomografi geolistrik, Teknosains, v.15, No.3, 587-602.
  2. Hartantyo, E., Sismanto dan Sudarmaji, 2002. Aplikasi Komputasi Numerik untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa terhadap Seismik Bias, Laporan Teaching Grant, QUE Project.
  3. Sismanto, Suparwoto, Hartantyo, E., Sintia, W.N., dan Primanto, M., 2002, Eksplorasi Geofisika terhadap Aliran Sungai BAwah Tanah di Daerah Goa Bribin, Wonosari, Yogyakarta, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA, Hotel Sahid Raya, Yogyakarta
  4. Ahmi, S.S., Sismanto, dan Hartantyo, E., 2002, Penyelidikan Penyebaran Air Tanah Tercemar menggunakan metode Potensial Diri di Kawasan TPA Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA, Hotel Sahid Raya, Yogyakarta.
  5. Suwarto, Hartantyo, E., dan Sismanto, 2002, Interpretasi Data Gravitasi di Sekitar Mata Air Panas Krakal Kecamatan Alian, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA, Hotel Sahid Raya, Yogyakarta
  6. Asmanto, H., Sismanto, dan Hartantyo, E., 2002, Penyelidikan Situs Purbakala Candi Kadisuko di Kalasan DIY dengan menggunakan metode Resistivitas, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA, Hotel Sahid Raya, Yogyakarta.

— 2001 —

  1. Suryanto, W. and Hartantyo, E., 2001, The Find Back Method as a Basic Physics Experiment Tool (Case Study: Simple Pendulum), Proceeding 1st Kentingan Physics Forum, International Seminar, Solo.

— 2000 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., 2000. Penerapan metode probabilitas tomografi pada interpretasi data pseudo tahanan jenis 2 dimensi, Laporan penelitian IPA-UAC tahun 2000.
  2. Hartantyo, E., 2000. Estimasi Kesalahan Pengukuran Lapangan Geolistrik Dengan Metode Banyak Lapis (Studi Kasus Konfigurasi Schlumberger), Prosiding PIT-HAGI XXV, Bandung.
  3. Sismanto, Suparwoto, dan Hartantyo, E., 2000. Eksplorasi geofisika terpadu terhadap mata air panas di Krakal, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. Laporan Project Grant 1999/2000 QUE PS Geofisika, FMIPA, UGM.
  4. Kuswanto, A., Sismanto, & Hartantyo, E., 2000. Penelitian penyebaran mata air panas Krakal dengan metode mise ala mase di Krakal, Alian, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Prosiding PIT HAGI XXV, Bandung.
  5. Sungkowo, A., Sismanto, & Hartantyo, E., 2000. Penyelidikan penyebaran sumber mata air panas Krakal, Alian, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah dengan metode elektromagnetik Very Low Frequency, Prosiding PIT HAGI XXV, Bandung.
  6. Hartantyo, E., dan Sismanto, 2000. Penerapan metode probabilits tomografi pada interpretasi data pseudo tahanan jenis 2 dimensi, Jurnal Fisika Indonesia periode Agustus 2000.

— 1999 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., dan Sismanto, 1999. Pengujian metode auto-depth terhadap data lapangan, PIT XIX HFI Jateng & DIY, 24 April 1999 di Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta.

— 1998 —

  1. Hartantyo, E., dan Sismanto, 1998. Interpretasi Resistivity sounding Schlumberger dengan metode grafis 8 digit perdekade, Prosiding PIT-HAGI XXIII, 7-8 Oktober 1998, di Yogyakarta.