Personal Identification:
- Name : Eddy Hartantyo
- Hobbies : Computer Programming, Painting, Biking
Research Interest:
- Near Surface Geophysics
- Computational Geophysics
Educational Background:
Diplome (S.Si)
- 1994 – 1999, degree from Geophysics Studyprogram, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.GPA Score : 3.14 (scale 4)
- Final Assignment title : “Automatic Interpretation of Schlumberger Sounding Geoelectricity by Graphical Inversion” (Grade A : very satisfactory)
Master (M.Si)
- 2000 – 2002, degree from Postgraduate Program majoring Geophysics, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.GPA Score : 3.63 (scale 4)
- Thesis title : “Simulation of Subsurface Conductive Pipelike Depth Determination using Geoelectric Probability Tomography” (Grade A : very satisfactory)
Doctorate (Ph.D)
- 2010 -2015, Doctorate Degree at Postgraduate Program in Physics – Geophysics.
- Dissertation : Liquefaction Phenomena from VS profiles due to 6.3 Mw June 2006 Jogjakarta earthquake.
My UGM Acadstaff (not update) is here